Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Five Years Later

That previous post is out of an old journal of mine. Reading it brings back the strong emotions I felt that day and for many days, months and even years following. Monday marked the 5 year anniversary of September 11, 2001. I commemorated it as I always do, watching the memorials on television, weeping and praying for those families who suffered the greatest of losses and for a country that was for one moment in time unified but for which is now divided and polarized by the events of that day, as well as the days leading up to it and following it.

Today I asked my youngest daughter what she remembered about that day. She was not quite 4, she was home with me for most of the day. She is now almost 9. She said she remembers the smoking building, she remembers going to ballet class with a family friend, she remembers going to "Wendy's" afterwards for lunch and she remembers her mom crying. I guess I should be thankful that is all she grasped. What she doesn't remember is that for long after that, whenever she referred to that day, she always called it "the very sad day." Indeed.

In my journal that day in September 2001 I was right about one thing. Those images will never cease to amaze me. And even after five years the threat still exists and the possiblity of another attack still looms. While I still fear this, I have come to terms with it. For me now there is sorrow and hope. Sorrow for my daughters, and all of the other children who may never know a world without terrorism. And hope for their future, hope for our country, hope for peace for the people of the world. I hold tightly and firmly to faith, hope and love....

Quote of the Day- “When things are bad, we take comfort in the thought that they could always be worse. And when they are, we find hope in the thought that things are so bad they have to get better.” -Author Unknown


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