Decorative Displays Doused
It is always disappointing when one single incident can ruin things for the masses. I hope that you will forgive me for diverting to a more serious tone about what I personally see as a complete breakdown in our society. I really like to keep things lighthearted here because there is enough seriousness to last us all a lifetime. But I feel strongly about this and I see these things beginning to happen on a daily basis in this country. In my opinion (however humble it may be) it is one of the most harmful and destructive behaviors leading us as a whole down a nasty and narrowing path of irresponsibility. The example I am going to use is true, but the same story is told daily in every town and city and state in this country, it’s just that the names and places change.
In Paulding County, Ohio, a family has been putting up a Christmas light display for the better part of twenty years. Let me pause here in the story for just one moment and interject that these are not just the typical twinkling lights and lawn displays that you and I put out each year. They boast 500 miles of lights and 50 miles of extension cords. They are very well known in most of Northwest Ohio. In 2003 nearly 23,000 visitors cruised through their circular drive (for free!) to see over 100 animated displays and one of only two Christmas Light Merry-Go-Rounds in the United States (according to some facts posted on a sign at their property.) It is a genuine “winter wonderland” and a holiday tradition for many each year.
Tragically, last year a group of people riding in a limo changed everything. I don’t know whether this group was in the limo for other reasons that night and were passing by or whether they intentionally rented the limo to go to this light display. For whatever reason, their limo turned into the circular drive, and upon realizing that the limo couldn’t quite get all the way off the road due to the line of cars already driving through, decided to back out onto the road again at which point an apparent drunk driver hit them. To my knowledge there were some serious injuries but no fatalities. A tragedy to be sure.
Here is where this sad story begins to irritate and grate at the last of my nerves. The group in the limo are suing who?……….the family with the light display. They are stating that it created a distraction that led to their accident. Hello?? See, this happens all the time. Forget that there was a drunk driver involved, forget that the group themselves were heading in to enjoy the wintry scenes, forget for a moment that unfortunate things happen to all of us (see “When Bad Things Happen to Good People”) It might not be necessary for me to mention that the family who has the light display every year is fairly wealthy! This whole scenario is in the same vein as the burglar who fell down through his victim’s skylight while trying to rob her (and who knows what else?!) and then sued her for his injuries…SUCCESSFULLY!! This happens daily and I find it disturbing that people have gotten so far away from the concept of responsibility. I imagine in some ways we are all guilty of this to varying degrees. But I wholeheartedly hope that I can teach my own children the value of personal responsibility and the consequences of such. In the meantime, the people of Paulding County and the outlying areas will no longer be able to enjoy the festival of lights as the family feels that the risk of liability and the pending lawsuit outweigh the joys of putting together the annual display. Merry Christmas everyone!Quote of the Day- "Personal responsibility is a difficult thing to ask for in a nation which has attempted to find a societal 'root cause' for all things." -S.R. Hunter
Part 2
The more I thought about the above scenario the more I wondered what my own kids would think about the situation. So I told them of the tragic accident. Then I said "Who do you think, if anyone, is at fault for this sad thing happening?"
Eight year old-"The drunk driver!"
Ten year old-"Absolutely!"
Me-"Anyone else?"
After a brief pause..
Ten year old-"Maybe the limo driver, it depends."
Me-What about the people who put up the light display?"
Both kids-"Why in the world would it be their fault?!"
Hmmm? Maybe we should listen more to our kids!
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