Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Fifteen Years...

It doesn't seem like a lot, but in today's world-it's a miracle.
Happy 15th Anniversary to us!!
Quote of the Day-
"I remember well the day we wed
I can see that picture in my head
I still believe the words we said
Forever will ring true
Love is certain, love is kind
Love is yours and love is mine
But it isn't something that we find
It's something that we do..."
-C. Black

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Letters From Home Program-Christmas Mailing

The Letters From Home Program will be sending a Christmas Shipment overseas this November. If you would like to contribute a card, letter or goodies for a soldier overseas, here are a few things they are looking for: "We will be collecting any card of support from Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Veterans Day, Thinking of You, a homemade card of Support, A Hug from Home card, along with goodies for the troops- remember chocolate for this campaign-YES we only collect chocolate for this time of year as it will be a little bit cooler overseas.
Also don't forget we ship to the military hospital in Landstuhl Germany where our
wounded first arrive before coming back to the states, so we need Get Well Cards also.
The only item we ask for the homemade cards, is NO glitter
They are also looking for other treats and toiletries. If you are interested, go to and click on "Current Campaigns" to see a detailed list of items they are hoping to receive and ship to our troops. Also, they have mailing details and addresses there. I can't tell you how worthwhile this organization is and how good you will feel to participate. Remember our soldiers in harms way who won't be home in time for the holidays.
Items must be received by the "Letters..program" by November 1.
Here is a letter received from one of the recipients of a package! From June of this year:
I am a naval reservist who was recalled to active duty in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. On January 19, 2007 I reported to the Little Creek Amphibious Base in Norfolk, Virginia. The following week, I flew to Fort Dix, New Jersey for processing. After that, I spent then weeks in Fort Riley, Kansas for training. I am currently in Herat, Afghanistan, which is where I will remain for the next 12 months. I am unsure if you ever receive any feedback from the Letters from Home Program. I just wanted to let you know that I received a package yesterday. Among other wonderful things, it contained personal messages from :Jack Johnson, age 11; Debbie, Chris James, Sydney, Olivia, and David Zak who sent a pocket flag with a note. All of the messages have been posted on my locker. And the flag, well I will keep that in my pocket. I am not sure if you can get a message to these children, but if you can, would you please tell them that I said thank you. I am happy to serve my country. I am proud to serve my country. And I know they support me - 100% It is not easy being away from home for 15 months. I am married with 2 small children. But packages like this and the notes from the children, make it all worth it. Thanks again for thinking of the sailors, airmen, and soldiers. I really appreciate it. PS. The parents of the children should be very proud of them as well.
CDR Scott
Quote of the Day-"So much of what we learn, we learn from home." ~Author Unknown

Six Years Later

Remembering the victims and their families of 9/11/01 and hoping for peace someday soon.

Quote of the Day-“The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be.” ~Anne Frank

Thursday, September 06, 2007

A Moment to Breathe

I have been so busy this past week that I neglected to notice the calmness and quietness that is always evident at this time of the year. Yesterday, as I sat with my coffee on the first morning I have had off in a couple weeks, I detected the distinct lack of screen doors slamming, screams and splashing from the neighbor’s pool, teen drivers screeching up and down the street and a general silence. No sound but the hum of the cricket and locust choirs could be heard. That’s right-it’s back to school time. I love having the kids home in the summer, the weekends at the lake, the day trips to the beach. But after a certain number of years, I have come to appreciate this time, too. The pace seems to slow, if only for a minute. There is still laundry to do and dishes to wash, but they will get done. For now, I can sit and sip my coffee and breath for a minute. I can re-evaluate, regroup and reflect on me for a short second. The summer was a great one... albeit FAST. Turning 40 and the celebrations surrounding it were phenomenal. I am still reeling from all of the surprises! The kids had some amazing experiences and some private time with grandparents, aunts and uncles this summer. And they have some great things lined up for fall. With football season starting, we will undoubtedly be on the road to cheer for our local and alma mater teams. We have weddings and reunions to look forward to, also. The pace doesn’t seem to slow, even though summer is winding down. But for these first few days of school, and an extra bit of tranquility, it is nice to take a moment to inhale and exhale, get one’s bearings and savor the silence, at least until three o’clock…

Quote of the Day- “Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson